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Cure X

Fertility and the Family

Cure, 345 Park Avenue South, NY, NY 10010


What families look like is expanding and evolving. People are becoming parents at older ages. Fertility challenges are more frequent. Parental roles are shifting. At the same time, reproductive science is providing more choices for having babies. New opportunities unavailable to previous generations are exciting to some and controversial to others.

Join us for a CureX that features a discussion between award-winning science writer Rachel Lehmann-Haupt, author of the new book  Reconceptions: Modern Relationships, Reproductive Science and the Unfolding Future of Family, and Pulitzer Prize-winning New York Times Opinion columnist Michelle Goldberg. The event also includes talks by famed bioethicist Arthur Caplan and other expert speakers and a poetry reading.

Guitarist John Lehmann-Haupt will play for us throughout the evening, and Cure Chef Michael Smith will provide delicious dishes and excellent wines.